Joining a student organization

This tutorial will teach you how to join over 500+ student organizations on campus.

Basic Navigation

First, you will need to log into Get involved using your Access ID and password. This will be the same as what you use to log into Academica.

At the top of the screen, select the tab labeled "Organizations." This tab will contain information on all the active student organizations on campus.

This shows the organization page

On the left side of your screen, you have several options which allow you to narrow down your searches for organizations based on the different categories they are placed in.

This shows the shortlist that narrows down your search based on categories

If you click on any organization it will tell you who they are and what their mission is on campus.

Joining an organization

To join an organization through Get Involved, you can select the organization from the list. In this case we will select "PPMS." Next, click the join button on the top right hand corner of your screen.

this is showing the join button

Note that the approved officer will have to confirm and accept your membership in the organization on the back end.

Contacting the student organization

You can also email the direct contact of the organization. Once again, we will select "PPMS." Click the "Contact" button in the right corner next to "Join."

It will send you to an email template where you can edit the subject and the email to find out their meeting times and what it takes to join the organization from the primary contact of the organization.

This is the contact page that has a form with a subject line and body text

If you have any questions, please Contact the Dean of Students Office at 313-577-1010 or email and they will happily answer any additional questions. 

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