Student Center use policies

Download Student Center use addendum 

Scheduling timeline

Special exceptions to the reservations request timeline can be made for weddings and large conferences where a secured location is required for the conference host bid process.

Fall term requests

Programs Submission start date Submission deadline Confirmation date
Official annual university events N/A Jan. 15 Feb. 1
Registered Student Organization Events Feb. 1 March 1 April 1
All other academic or administrative university department events April 1 April 15 May 1
Non-WSU affiliated events May 1 N/A N/A

Winter term requests

Programs Submission start date Submission deadline Confirmation date
Official annual university events N/A July 15 Aug. 1
Registered Student Organization Events Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1
All other academic or administrative university department events Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Nov. 1
Non-WSU affiliated events Nov. 1 N/A N/A

Spring/summer term requests

First come/first served.

Student Center fees

Space reserved Registered Student Organization pricing* University department pricing Outside organization pricing
Ballroom FREE $500 $1,250
Hilberry rooms; rooms 010, 020, 025, 285 or 384 FREE $100 $250
Conference rooms 009, 201, 279, 281, 289 or 389 FREE FREE $100

 *Registered student organizations will be charged outside organization pricing on all reserved space(s) if an admission fee is charged by the student organization for the event.

Student Center fees include

  • All audio-visual equipment installed in the room.
  • An audio-visual technician will provide set-up and initial assistance with the event. If an audio-visual technician is needed throughout the duration of the event, a request must be received two weeks prior to the event and will cost $25.00 per hour.
  • Use of the dance floor in the Ballroom.
  • Seating diagrams available upon request.

Student Center fees do not include

  • Production-style lighting and/or lighting techniques i.e., follow spotlights, multicolor lighting, mood lighting, and scene changes.
  • Production-style audio, audio techniques and/or any and all related production responsibilities related to the “Client’s” specific stage event(s) and/or stage production(s).
  • Events requiring access to the Student Center outside of normal operating hours may request additional building hours for an additional fee. These additional costs will be incurred at the responsibility of the "Client".

Lighting and audio

It is the responsibility of the “Client” to secure the appropriate professional lighting and audio production company of their choosing for events requiring additional lighting and audio production services related to the “Client’s” specific stage event(s) and/or stage productions. The “Client” and any associated affiliates shall not access Wayne State University Student Center audio/visual property and/or equipment and shall not access any areas designated in the auditorium as non-employee restricted areas.


  • Parking may be scheduled for an event by submitting an online parking event form
  • All parking requests should be made at least 10 business days before the event.

Revised June 6, 2024