Campus Reservations policies and contract

Download Campus Reservations contract

Wayne State’s campus features many unique locations for gatherings and events hosted by the university, Wayne State registered student organizations, members of the Wayne State community and external community groups, and others. The university’s campus grounds are an important resource in carrying out our academic, research and service mission. Wayne State students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to leverage our urban setting with informal gatherings on campus grounds, including the academic use of outdoor spaces for faculty seeking open-air classroom discussions during the class period, for example, or other curricular academic activities as part of their course.

Outdoor campus spaces are available for public use without reservations, provided these activities do not occupy a specific campus space over an extended period, block the use of the walkways or access to buildings, or use amplified sound. Activities following the above guidelines do not require a reservation.

Registered student organizations and other campus or community groups interested in planning a stationary event on campus and/or using amplified sound are required to make a reservation. Overnight use of campus space is not permitted.

This Contract is between the "Client", and Wayne State University. Payment, usage and conduct policies regarding the rental and usage of space managed by WSU Student Center and Campus Reservations are as follows:

Use of space

  • A confirmed reservation and signed contract must be received before entering any Student Center and Campus Reservations managed space.
  • Reservation requests may be granted in the order listed in the table on the applicable Addendum.
  • All reservation details must be completed no less than five (5) business days prior to the event. No changes are permitted after this time.
  • Official annual University events are defined as events with over 200 people attending that are held on a similarly scheduled date every year, and must be sponsored by a University department. For example: Orientation, Commencement, Convocation, FestiFall, etc.
  • Registered student organization events are conceptualized, planned, and implemented by registered student organizations.
  • All other academic or administrative University department events are defined as events sponsored by a University department and scheduled by a full-time faculty or staff member.
  • After all priority scheduling has been completed based on the specific dates listed below, all other event requests may be granted in the order received, but in accordance with the following guidelines for the Use of University Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Governors, March 14, 1975.


Payment methods

  • Acceptable payment: Cashier check, credit card or money order payable to Wayne State University (personal/business/starter checks are not accepted in person).
  • Electronic payment options for checks and credit cards are available using Cashnet.

Please note the following 

  • Registered student organizations will be charged outside organization pricing on all reserved space(s) if an admission fee is charged by the student organization for the event.
  • University departments payment is due thirty (30) days prior to the event.
  • Outside organizations are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total rental cost(s) associated with their reservation within ten (10) business days of booking. Full payment is due by 5 p.m. thirty (30) days prior to the event. If a reservation is being made less than thirty (30) days in advance, full payment is due at the time of booking.
  • Reservations are confirmed only when payment and the signed reservation form is received.
  • Requests for any changes within ten (10) business days of the event are subject to additional fees.
  • Wayne State University reserves the right to change, cancel or deny a reservation or request for reservation. If the University exercises that right then every reasonable effort will be made to contact the “Client.”

Food policy

  • The purpose of the Student Center Food Policy as outlined below is to provide opportunities for meetings and events that provide food to be held safely, consistent with Public Health Department guidelines, and without undue potential for damage to Student Center space. Catering by 313 Dining Co is the sole provider of food totaling $1,000 or more in Student Center managed spaces (including snacks).
  • Food must be served immediately upon delivery to the room and a receipt from the purchase must be always kept with the food. WSU and its employees and agents are released and indemnified from all liability for claims or damage including injury or illness associated with the consumption of food or beverage provided for any meeting or event by the student organization, department or outside organization.
  • For more detailed information regarding these policies, including waiver forms, please visit the food policy section on our website.

Conduct policy

  • The “Client” is responsible for the enforcement of all University conduct policies as related to the event as well as those in attendance of the event.
  • Violations of any of the conduct policies contained in this Contract can result in the cancellation of the “Client’s” event, and the forfeiture of any rental fees paid to Wayne State University.
  • Any group requesting to serve alcohol must follow the steps below:
    • Groups may not bring their own alcohol into any University owned building on the Main Campus or Medical/Pharmacy Campus or Wayne State owned building in the City of Detroit.
    • Must fill out a Request to Serve Alcohol form provided by WSU Dining Services.
    • Must hire WSU Dining Services to purchase and serve the alcohol.
    • No admission fees can be charged if alcohol is being served at an event in Student Center.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited on the campus of Wayne State University. Effective August 2015, Wayne State University has adopted a smoke and tobacco free policy for all indoor and outdoor campus spaces.
  • Wayne State University is committed to providing a drug-free environment for its faculty, staff, and students. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of drugs or alcohol is prohibited on University premises, at University activities and at University worksites.
  • Selling raffle tickets is considered gambling by the State of Michigan; due to this designation by the State, raffles for a chance to win are not permitted, as gambling is prohibited on the Wayne State University campus and/or any other properties administered by Wayne State University.
  • No sound production companies are allowed in the Student Center without approval from Student Center and Campus Reservations.
  • Wayne State University requires the “Client” to disclose the purpose of all events and related advertisement. Wayne State University reserves the right to cancel any event for event misrepresentation, and the Client will be subject to forfeiture of all funds paid to Wayne State University.
  • Wayne State University reserves the right to inspect and control all private functions on University property.
  • Wayne State University reserves the right to require security at any event at a cost to the “Client” if deemed necessary by Wayne State University. Wayne State University does not assume responsibility for items lost in or on University property. In case of an emergency, the “Client” should contact the Wayne State University Department of Public Safety at 313-577-2222.
  • Events requiring additional security, custodial personnel and/or campus Public Safety as deemed necessary by Wayne State University will incur additional costs at the responsibility of the “Client”.
  • Student Center and Campus Reservations reserves the right to ask for a photo ID at the time of booking, contract signing or payment. Failure to produce the appropriate ID can result in refusal to reserve space.

Insurance requirements

  • For external clients and vendors: Wayne State University requires a certificate of insurance from a reputable insurance company, licensed to transact business in the State of Michigan evidencing general liability insurance and naming the Wayne State University Board of Governors as additional insured. The coverage must have limits of not less than $2 million dollars general aggregate for commercial general liability and not less than $1 million dollars for combined single limit of automobile liability insurance. In some situations, Workers Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance may also be required. Additional insurance and/or liability requirements may be required by the Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Insurance Programs at Wayne State University.
  • For internal clients: Vendor requirements must be met. Other insurance and/or liability requirements may be required by the Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Insurance Programs at Wayne State University.

Personal/university property

  • Wayne State University shall not be held responsible for the loss damage, theft and/or any related incidences to personal property, items and/or additional items left in, on, or near Wayne State University property. The “Client” shall be responsible for ensuring all items belonging to the “Client” are removed at the conclusion of the event. Failure to remove items by the “Client” will result in a storage fee rate of $100.00 per day. Items left for greater than 30 days are subject to disposal.
  • All areas of the Student Center are expected to be left in the same condition as it was received. All trash must be bagged and placed by trash receptacles. Failure to do so will result in an hourly cleaning fee assessed by Wayne State University.
  • Decorations and signage:
    • Decorations/event flyers cannot be glued and/or taped to any building surface.
    • All decorations, including balloons, must be removed from the Reserved Space and/or building at the completion of the event. Failure to remove decorations following an event and/or the use or removal of decorations that cause damage to any building surfaces will result in a removal/repair fee.
    • The burning of candles, sparklers, incense, paper leaflets, combustible figurines or pyrotechnic devices is prohibited on University property and is subject to confiscation. Battery operated candles are permitted within the Reserved Space(s).
    • Art and/or craft supplies such as, glitter, paint, adhesives, markers, etc. can only be used with a protective covering of all surfaces including tables and floors.
  • The “Client” assumes responsibility for any damage caused to any University facility by the “Client’s” attendees. Reimbursement costs will be determined by Wayne State University.

Fronting policy

Student organizations and/or University departments may not serve as “fronts” for off-campus organizations and/or departments in order to gain use of meeting space or information tables. Meetings and events reserved by University student organizations or departments must fall under the following guidelines:

  • The event/meeting must be conceptualized, planned and managed by the student organization or department and must truly be an organization or department initiative.
  • Any costs associated with the event/meeting must be paid by the student organization and/or department.
  • If Student Center and Campus Reservations suspects and/or believes that a student organization and/or department is fronting, reservation capabilities for that organization and/or department will be revoked. Student organizations and/or organizers may also face Student Code of Conduct charges.

Occupancy disruption and cancellation

  • Occupancy disruption: That in the case the facility or any part thereof shall be destroyed, damaged or deemed unusable by fire or any other cause, or if any other casualty or unforeseen occurrence shall render the fulfillment of the Contract by the facility impossible, including, without limitation thereto, condemnation, and/or eminent domain and/or the requisitioning of the premises by the United States Government, and/or State Government or any arm or instrumentally thereof, or by reason of labor disputes, or act of God, then and thereupon this Contract shall terminate and, the “Client” shall pay rental for said premises up to the time of such termination, at the rate specified. The “Client” hereby waives any claim for damages or compensation should this Contract be so terminated, on the foregoing basis.
  • Wayne State University reserves the right to cancel or alter this reservation at any time in order to comply with health and safety standards. Through no fault of their own, if Wayne State cannot host the agreed upon event due to a pandemic, epidemic, or similar causes, the Client will be asked to reschedule for a later date or may opt to take a full refund.

Rescheduling and cancellation policy

  • At least two weeks’ notice must be given for all events that require rescheduling. A non-refundable $100.00 administrative fee must be paid before rescheduling is allowed. This is a separate charge. Any event that has to be rescheduled less than two weeks before the event date must be canceled, and all monies paid forfeited.
  • At least two weeks’ notice must be given for all cancellations to receive a refund. Please note that all deposits are non-refundable. Any event that is canceled less than two weeks before the event date will result in all monies paid forfeited.
  • University department events that are canceled less than two weeks before the event are subject to a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the total rental costs associated with the reservation.

Revised August 30, 2024