Guidelines for posting on campus bulletin boards

Materials posted on campus bulletin boards do not need to be approved prior to posting, but must comply with the following guidelines, as well as the Kiosks and Bulletin Board Posting and Distribution and Sales of Literature, Food and Goods policies as set by the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual. 

Materials that do not correspond to the guidelines noted in these procedures, or that violate university policy (for example, harassment and non-discrimination), state or federal law may be removed by university personnel and may result in further university sanctions. 

The university prohibits posting of publicity materials on walls, doors and windows.  

It is illegal to advertise events such as raffles, contests, casino nights, drawings, etc., without the proper state license. 

Open posting areas 

Posting areas not enclosed in glass, generally found in classrooms, the Student Center, M. Roy Wilson State Hall and the STEM Innovation Learning Center. Bulletin boards assigned to a specific department or organization may be used only with their permission.  


Posted material should include the following: 

  • The name of the registered student organization, university department, faculty, staff, student or community agency/member authoring the printed material.  
  • A phone number or email address for future contact. 
  • The date of the event being advertised or a date the flyer is considered to have fulfilled its function must be included (can be handwritten). Postings may be displayed for a maximum of one month. 
  • Publicity for events funded by the Student Activities Funding Board must read “Funded by Student Activities Funding Board”. 
  • If alcohol will be served at the publicized event, the material must read, "In accordance with state law, no one under the age of 21 will be sold or served alcoholic beverages." (See APPM section, Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages.) 
  • The size of a posting must not exceed 11”x17”.  


  • Posting is limited to only two postings per area if there is space available. If space is limited, only one copy should be posted on each board.  

Official posting areas 

Posting areas enclosed in glass located throughout campus buildings, controlled by Student Life Marketing and Graphics (Graphics). All posting areas controlled by Graphics are identified as such. These spaces are available for registered student organizations and university units. Schools, colleges, departments, or buildings may have enclosed posting areas, which fall under the jurisdiction of those areas. Contact the appropriate person in those units regarding use of those posting areas. 


Posted material must include the following: 

  • The name of the registered student organization or university department authoring the printed material.  
  • A phone number or email address for future contact. 
  • Publicity for events funded by the Student Activities Funding Board must read “Funded by Student Activities Funding Board”. 
  • If alcohol will be served at the publicized event, the material must read, "In accordance with state law, no one under the age of 21 will be sold or served alcoholic beverages." (See APPM section, Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages.) 
  • The size of a posting must not exceed 8.5x11".  


  • Advertising that is not accepted includes: class offerings, employment ads, personal ads and other advertising having no connection with WSU. 
  • For each organization/university department, there can only be one flyer posted per bulletin board during any posting period. 


Submit five (more locations coming soon) flyers to the drop box outside of 013 Student Center with a request form

  • Drop off slip contains contact information and requested posting dates. 
  • By submitting your flyers to the drop box, you agree to the policies. Postings that do not follow the policies will not be posted and will not be given notice. 
  • Once the flyers are obtained and reviewed, Graphics will post the materials on the next posting date.  
  • Postings will be displayed for a maximum of one month.  

Flyers will be posted on Mondays, unless there is a university closure. Flyers must be dropped off the Thursday prior for review.

Department price RSO price
$15 Free

Invoice will be sent to campus units upon review. EIRB or direct bill payments only. Payment must be received prior to posting.


Below is a list of Student Life Marketing and Graphics managed bulletin board locations. There are many other bulletin boards across campus. 

Type Building Location Description
Official Art Building First floor Under construction
Official General Lectures First floor Next to rest rooms
Official Old Main First floor, Cass Ave. entrance Up main stairs to the left
Official Schaver Music Building First floor Exit 2, behind Community Arts Auditorium
Official Science Hall First floor Warren and Woodward entrance
Official Science Hall First floor STEM entrance
Open State Hall First floor Black surface surrounding the elevators
Official* State Hall First floor, east-west wing Near the main staircase
Official* State Hall First floor, south entrance Near the entrance closest to the Chemistry Building
Open State Hall Fourth floor Green cut-out in elevator lobby
Open State Hall Second floor Black surface surrounding the elevators
Open State Hall Second floor Green cut-out in lounge entrance
Open State Hall Third floor Black surface surrounding the elevators
Open State Hall Third floor Green cut-out in lounge entrance
Open STEM Basement Outside elevator
Open STEM Fifth floor Outside elevator
Open STEM First floor Outside elevator
Open STEM Fourth floor Outside elevator
Open STEM Second floor Outside elevator
Open STEM Seventh floor Outside elevator
Open STEM Sixth floor Outside elevator
Open STEM Third floor Outside elevator
Official* Student Center First floor Across from center stairwell
Open* Student Center Lower Level Near Student Center and Campus Reservations suite
Open* Student Center Lower Level By Makerspace
Open Student Center South stairwell Landing between first and second floors
Open Student Center South stairwell Landing between lower level and first floors

*Coming soon.