Submitting a SAFB request

The Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) request is now located in your organization's tool menu. You should review all of the SAFB guidelines prior to submitting a request.

From your organization's management screen, click on the hamburger menu in the upper left and select Finance. All officer position members have been granted access to this tool. If you have a member who does not have access, please follow the roster management steps to grant access.

In the next screen you will see all finance requests that have been created for your organization. SAFB requests use the Budget Request tool. Purchase Requests and Funding Requests are two tools that also appear on this screen, but WSU is not using them at this time.

Screenshot of the Finance screen in Get Involved

Select Create Request in the upper right and then select Create Budget Request, then select Event funding request under the Student Activities Funding Board request header. Fill out the form portions of the request with as much detail as possible. The final page of the request is the line item budget for your event. It is broken down into sections and different line item categories. Click +Add Item to start adding items to the budget. Click Submit when your budget is complete and ready to be submitted to the Student Activities Funding Board.

You will receive notifications to your WSU email with updates when your request has been approved, denied, returned for revision or if comments are made to the request.

When a request is approved, you will see the final amount that has been approved, along with any revisions that have been made  SAFB can make adjustments to the amounts requested.

Screenshot of an approved SAFB budget

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