How to add and approve service hours

Members will need to have management access to the Service Hours tool in Get Involved to do the following.

Submitting service hours for an organization member

  1. In the left-hand menu, select the cog icon next to your organization.
  2. Select "Service Hours."
  3. Click the "+Add Service Hours" button.
  4. Search for the member for whom you're adding hours. 
  5. Add the details of the service experience and click "Create."

Service hours added by officers are automatically approved.

Managing members' service hours

  1. In the left-hand menu, select the cog icon next to your organization.
  2. Select "Service Hours."
  3. A list of pending service hours is listed at the bottom with "Approve | Deny" next to each submission.
  4. Click "Approve" to view the details of the experience. 
  5. There's an option to leave comments, then click "Approve."