How to change organization details

Organization details in Get Involved can be updated as part of an organizations re-registration process, but your organization may also need to update it at different points throughout the year.

Note that an organizations name, short name/acronym and Get Involved URL can only be changed by the Student Involvement, Activities and Organizations team. 

Student organization name change request

Updating organization details

The following can only be edited by members with access to the About tool. 

  1. In the left-hand menu, select the cog icon next to your organization.
  2. Select "About".
  3. Update or add any details, then scroll to the bottom to hit the save button.
Section Details
Description: Summary Limited to 254 characters, this short description is displayed on the Organizations List in the platform. Make this interesting – this may be the first place a potential new member learns about your organization.
Description: Full description This area can be as detailed as you want it to be. This description is meant to showcase who your organization is and can serve as a webpage for your organization. This area can include video via YouTube or Vimeo.
Profile picture This image will be small throughout the platform. Most organizations will use the organization's logo.
Contact information This should be used for contact information for the organization, not individuals. Member contact information can be gathered through your roster and isn't necessary in this section. This will be publicly posted to your organization's page.
External website If your organization has an external website, link it here.
Social media Get Involved can link to many social media platforms. Add your organizations to encourage others to follow you.
Additional information This area offers a place for your organization to reflect on how your organization impacts the Mission and Values of the university.

Adding video to the description

  1. Copy the link to the YouTube or Vimeo link you wish to share.
  2. In the description box, click where you want the link to be inserted to place your cursor, then click the link button (chain-link icon) from the editor options above. 
  3. Paste the video URL and click "OK".
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Update" to save.