How to create a form

Members will need to have management access to the Forms tool in Get Involved to do the following.

Before creating a form

Things to consider before creating a form in Get Involved:

  • Who is your audience? 
    • Public/anyone
    • Campus only
    • Roster only
    • Position only
  • How do you want to receive the form?
    • Does the form need approved or denied (ex: an application)?
    • Is it okay to just receive the form (ex: a suggestions form)?

Create your form

  1. In the Forms management page, click the three dots in the upper right. Select "+Create form."
  2. Give your form a name and complete the basic details about how you want your form set up. Hit save.
  3. Add the appropriate instructions and question types using the "Add new..." section at the bottom.
    Take note of the question type descriptions.
  4. Additional pages and logic can be added, if needed. Select "Page Properties" to create page logic.
    Example: You're asking members if they have dietary restrictions because you're creating the menu for an event. When someone selects "Yes" the next page will have questions regarding dietary needs. If they select "No" it will skip the page.

Share your form

  1. In the Forms management page, click the three dots to the right of the form name you wish to share. Click "Share."
  2. This will bring up a box with a URL and a QR code. The URL and QR code will only work during the window you set for the form submissions. 
    • Copy the URL exactly as it is to send it out. 
      When the URL is clicked or put into a browser, it redirects to create a unique submission URL that is tied to your specific user account.
    • Save the QR code image and use it however you need it – presentation slide, flyer, etc.

Edit your form

Sometimes you may need to edit your form. If you need to, we highly recommend that you do not delete any questions if submissions have already been gathered. If you do, that submission data will also be deleted. 

  1. In the Forms management page, click the three dots to the right of the form name you wish to share. Click "Edit form questions."
  2. Make edits as needed to the questions.
  3. Select "Form Properties" in the upper right to change how the form is set up.

Exporting the data

  1. In the Forms management page, click the three dots to the right of the form name you wish to share. 
  2. At the bottom of the menu, select how you want to view the data.
    • Submissions: view each submission in the platform. You can approve, deny and make comments on submissions. Comments are sent via email and notification to the user, unless the form was submitted publicly (not logged in).
    • Export as Excel: exports all of the submission data into a spreadsheet.
    • Export as PDF: each submission will be exported as a separate PDF.