How to track and assess event attendance

Track attendance in-person

Download the app

Anyone taking the attendance at your event (does not have to have Events access or be on your roster) will need to download the Campus Labs Event Check-in app from their mobile device's app store.

Event code

Getting the event code will require someone with management access to Events. 

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the middle section of the page under "Event Attendance" you will find the Access Code (seven-digit, alpha-numeric code).
  4. Send this code to anyone using the check-in app

Take attendance

  1. Enter the Access Code into the first screen of the app.
  2. Log in with your AccessID and password.
  3. The first screen will show you the event details, tap the scan icon at the bottom to start scanning Event Passes
  4. As you scan Event Passes, the user name, invitation status and RSVP status will appear. Click "Check In".

The app also allows you to look up users by their name or AccessID, but scanning Event Passes is encouraged and will make your process faster. 

The last tab will allow you to view the list of attendees. You can click on an attendee to check them out, or scan their Event Pass again to check them out. 

Track attendance virtually

Finding the attendance URL

Getting the attendance URL will require someone with management access to Events in Get Involved

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the middle section of the page under "Event Attendance" you will find the Attendance URL.
  4. Copy the URL.

Take attendance

  1. Paste the URL in the chat box of whatever virtual meeting tool you're using.
  2. The attendees must click on the link to track their attendance. 

Track attendance manually

Manual attendance can only be done by a member with management access to Events in Get Involved

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the middle section of the page under "Event Attendance", click the "Track Attendance" button.
  4. Click "+ Add Attendance" button at the upper right.
  5. A list of those who have RSVP'd will show on this page. You can select the "Attended" button in this screen. 
  6. Select the "Text" entry tab.
  7. Imput attendee's AccessID email, one per line, select the status, then hit the "Add" button.
    You may also use external emails. This would be for numbers tracking only. They will not have access to any event feedback.

Assessing your attendance

The following features can only be done my members with management access to Events in Get Involved.

Edit attendance status

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the middle section of the page under "Event Attendance", click the "Track Attendance" button.
  4. You will see a list of all attendees. Next to their names you can change the status from "Attended" to "Absent", "Excused" or "NA" and leave comments. 

This tool is useful for tracking meeting attendance.

Export attendance

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the middle section of the page under "Event Attendance", click the "Track Attendance" button.
  4. Click the red "Export" button at the top right.
  5. Click on your profile in the top right, then select downloads to download the report.

This report will include:

  • User names
  • Email
  • Addendance status
  • Who checked them in and time stamp. 

Event feedback

When creating your event, there is an option to include post-event feedback. If you've set your event up to do this, it will automatically send an email to attendees requesting feedback. 

  1. Go to the Events tool
  2. Select the event
  3. In the bottom section titled "Post Event Feedback" you will see a 1-5 star rating for your event. 
  4. Click the "Export Feedback" button on the right.
  5. Click on your profile in the top right, then select downloads to download the full report.