How to apply for event funding

Only members with the Event Coordinator position will have access to do the following. The Event Coordinator position is assigned by the Student Involvement, Activities and Organizations team after the member attends the required Event Coordinator training.

Before submitting the request

Submitting a budget request

  1. Log into Get Involved.
  2. Select the "Finance" tool from your organization's management menu.
  3. This screen will display any Budgets your organization has submitted.
    There are also tabs for Purchase and Funding requests, these are only being used by Club Sports at this time. 
  4. Select the "Create Request" button in the upper right, then "Create Budget Request". 
  5. Select "Event funding request" under the Student Activities Funding Board request header. 
  6. Please read the instructions carefully and complete the form with as much detail as possible. 
  7. The final page is a line item budget for your event. Click "+Add Item" to start adding items to the appropriate sections of your budget. 
  8. Submit your request. 

You will receive notifications to your WSU email with updates when your request has been approved, denied, returned for revision or if comments are made to the request.

Approved budgets

When a request is approved, you will see the final amount that has been approved, along with any revisions that have been made to the amounts requested. You will also receive a notification with information needed and deadlines. Funding is contigent on meeting all of the deadlines and requirements.