Mobile food truck reservations

Student Center and Campus Reservations strives to bring the campus community a variety of food truck vendors at a number of locations throughout the main and medical campus. To become a licensed food truck on campus, you must complete the application process and be approved by the Office of Risk Management. 

The application will require a food service license, valid driver's license and a copy of the food truck menu to be submitted electronically at the time of application. After completing the online form, a representative from the Student Center will contact you regarding your application and will assist you in the scheduling process.  

Becoming a WSU approved food truck vendor provides access to the campus resources necessary to be compliant with University policies and procedures. Approved food trucks will be granted access to the campus reservation system, a valid pass to display while parked on campus and inclusion in various campus marketing materials. 

Mobile food truck vendor application

Locations and cost 

Approved food trucks can park at designated areas on campus that serve several areas. Food trucks can make up to two reservations per week in advance. Reservations are made on a first-come-first-served basis. Please see the chart below to see the locations, reservable days and the primary campus buildings served by the location. 

Location Days Daily rate Service area
Williams Mall East Monday through Friday $45 Central campus including general purpose classroom buildings, libraries and the Student Center
Williams Mall West Monday through Friday $45 Central campus including general purpose classroom buildings, libraries and the Student Center


The University has policies and procedures that must be followed by all vendors. Food trucks are required to serve Pepsico beverage products at all locations on campus. Additionally, food trucks must display their approved WSU vendor pass while parked on campus at all times. Violations of policies may result in termination of approved status and a cancellation of future reservations for the remainder of the year. Please request the Mobile Food Truck Reservation Contract for the complete terms and conditions.