Volunteer Hub

The Volunteer Hub was created as a resource to connect students to volunteer opportunities on campus and in the Detroit community as well as a place to report service hours. 

Volunteer opportunities

Click on the opportunity link in the table to view information about how to sign up. 

Campus and community members can request their volunteer opportunity be listed below and in the Get Involved student newsletter (sent Sundays and Wednesdays during the fall and winter semesters, Sundays during the spring/summer) by using the form below.

Volunteer opportunity promotion request

Campus opportunities

Opportunity Sign-up deadline Opportunity date/s
The W Food Pantry and Thrift Shop   Ongoing
Admitted Student Days April 3 and 11 April 4 and 12
Spring Open House March 21 March 22

Community opportunities

Opportunity Sign-up deadline Opportunity date/s
AccentCare hospice and palliative care: music and spiritual companion volunteers   Ongoing
Conversations to Remember: virtual visits with seniors   Ongoing
Joe Louis Greenway Partnership: Homework Help on the Greenway March 24 Ongoing
Henry Ford SandCastles grief support program   Ongoing
MiCaringHeart: Outsmarting Cancer, tutoring   Ongoing

SHARE Detroit logoSHARE Detroit

The Dean of Students Office is proud to partner with SHARE Detroit, a community engagement conduit offering simple ways for neighbors, nonprofits and businesses to come together and strengthen our local community. They make it easy for people to find local nonprofits and engage with them how they choose, whether it's donating money, volunteering time, attending an event or buying much needed items from nonprofit wish lists.

Find volunteer opportunities with SHARE Detroit

Volunteer as a group

SHARE Detroit assists groups in finding volunteer opportunities that fit their size and availability. Complete the interest form below to let them know about your volunteering goals and preferences.

Group volunteer interest form

Service hours

Service hours can be reported to your student organization or through the Volunteer Hub page on Get Involved. Approved service hours will appear on your Involvement Record.

How to report service hours

Approving service hours for your student organization