Student care and support

The Assistant Dean of Students oversees the care outreach process and the Care, Support and Intervention team which includes two Care Case Managers, Coordinator of Student Basic Needs and the Warrior Life Coordinator. The Care, Support and Intervention team reaches out to students of concern in order to connect them with support and services.

Assisting and supporting students of concern

If you believe there is an imminent safety threat or emergency, you should immediately contact the WSU Police at 313-577-2222. After reporting the emergent situation to police, it is appropriate to follow-up by submitting a Care Referral about the incident.

Students may experience a variety of pressure and stress from academic work, relationships or other aspects of life during their time at WSU.

In some cases, students may be confronting certain issues for the first time, while for others these issues may be ongoing. If you find yourself concerned about the wellbeing of a WSU student (a student in your class, someone you live with/near, someone in your student organization, etc.), please share your concerns with us by submitting a Care Referral.

Your report may be the activating event that helps that student get connected to appropriate campus resources, or you may be providing supplemental information that assists in our ability to more appropriately reach out to support that student.

Some examples that may lead you to file a Care Referral include:

  • A student is struggling with a difficult life circumstance or health issue;
  • A student is displaying unusual or out-of-character behavior;
  • A student is communicating thoughts of harm to self, others or locations;
  • A student is experiencing significant loss such as the death of a family member or loss of safe housing;
  • A student is communicating that they are the victim of harassment, stalking, interpersonal violence or sexual assault;
  • A student is missing class for an extended period of time;
  • A student is nonresponsive to outreach attempts;
  • A student is displaying unhealthy or dangerous patterns of behavior;
  • A student is experiencing a high level of stress;
  • A student is displaying behavior that is disruptive or negatively impacting the classroom or work environment; or
  • A student is posting concerning messages on social media.

Submit Care Referral

Care Referrals help us to engage individuals in the University community and to connect students with support and services.

If you have knowledge of a WSU student whose behavior is concerning, risky, or potentially harmful to him/herself, others, or the community, please submit a Care Referral.

Care Referrals provide early assessment and referral to help support the student and the community.

The Dean of Students Office will review your report within one (1) business day. We typically consult with the person filing the report within two (2) business days to confirm receipt, discuss the information provided and share any appropriate follow-up information.

The Dean of Students Office makes a good faith review of the information provided in the report. With this information, we can assess the situation, piece together additional information about the student's possible needs and suggest a reasonable course of action.

An ethic of care and attention to the safety and wellbeing of individual students, the campus, and community guides all recommendations. As appropriate, every effort is made to help students persist at the University.

Care Referrals are monitored regularly during the University's normal business hours.