Student organization resources

The Dean of Students Office student organization resources area supports the development, advising and operations of university recognized student organizations.

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Registration and organization management

With over 550 organizations covering 50 different categories it is rare to not find something that peaks a student's interest. However, you can start your own Registered Student Organizations (RSO) using Get Involved.

Registration for the 2024-25 academic year will close on March 31, 2025. 2025-26 registration will open in June. No registrations will be accepted in April or May. 

Benefits of being a registered student organization

  1. RSOs have access to reserve space in the Student Center and other university spaces for free or at a discounted RSO price
  2. Can apply for SAFB Funding
  3. Participation in various campus events
  4. Access to student organization locker space in the Student Center lower level
  5. Access to promote events and opportunities through the Deans of Students Office

Organization requirements

  • Must have at least two currently registered students
    • one member must be listed as President. Only one president is allowed per organization, but co-presidents may be used.
  • Social Fraternities and Sororities must have an advisor
  • Club sports must answer league questions and be approved by the MHRFC
  • Must submit an operating agreement
  • Must acknowledge that the RSO will follow the following university policies:
    • Anti-discrimination statement
    • Title IX – sexual discrimination, harassment and violence statement
    • Anti-hazing statement
    • Drug and alcohol abuse on campus statute
Register your student organization

All student organizations are required to re-register their organization every academic year. Registration is from June 4, 2024 through April 21, 2025 for the 2024-25 academic year. Registration can be completed by any currently registered student on the organization's roster. If you need someone added to the organization's roster in order to re-register, please email

All requests are reviewed by the Dean of Students Office within 3-5 business days.

Club sports

A club sport is a specially recognized student organization that provides a medium for people who share a common interest in a sport or activity; they can range from educational to competitive. Competitive clubs regularly compete in various state, regional, national and international contests and tournaments against clubs from other universities, and usually identify with a nationally recognized league or association for their respective sport or activity.

Club sports must start their registration process working with the Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center.

Transitioning officers

It is important to spend ample time making sure the incoming student organization leadership has the opportunity to be trained by outgoing leadership. Without taking the time to effectively transition incoming officers, organizations lose the opportunity to continue momentum gained in the previous year. This transition guide is designed to help all officers and student organization leaders have the tools to successfully transition outgoing and incoming officers.


Presidents cannot be added by the student organization. If your organization is currently registered and Active and you need to change the president, please email with your request. Once the new president has attended the required training, they will be added as president and the prior president removed. If the prior president is no longer a registered student, the organization will be out of compliance and the organization marked as Frozen. 

Event Coordinators

Event Coordinators cannot be added by the student organization. A required training is needed before the role is assigned. Please email to request the sign-up link for these trainings. Once the member attends, the role will be assigned.

Wayne State email account

Group ID is a shared Wayne Connect account used by a group of people in one department and/or unit or student organization. 

  • Group access to a shared office email address (e.g.
  • Multiple-member access to organization calendar.
  • Ability to send bulk email announcements about organization events to pre-selected groups.

You must be an active Registered Student Organization, and the request must come from the President of your organization. Please use in the Sponsor's Email field below to notify DOSO about your request for approval.

Group ID request form


Student organizations may reserve locker space located in the lower level of the Student Center. 

Student organizations must be registered for the current academic year and the form must be completed by the organization's president.

Lockers are currently full for the 2024-25 academic year. Proceed to the form to put your organization on the waitlist.

RSO locker details

Reserving space on campus

Event and classroom spaces

These spaces are managed by Student Center and Campus Reservations. Reservations are made in EMS. All student organizations must adhere to the policies.

Reserve space in EMS

University library system spaces

To reserve space in one of the University Libraries, please use the Library Space Reservation Form.

Library Space Reservation Policies and Reservable Spaces

Questions should be directed to Nancy Swenskowski (;

Reserve Library space

Create an event in Get Involved

Make sure your events are in the organization's Get Involved page. These events will be approved by DOSO without a reservation. Please note that by doing this, this DOES NOT secure your reservation of the space – its purpose is for publishing to your organization's calendar and promotion.

How to create an event Event planning worksheet (print only)

Reasons to create an event 
  • You can request the event be added to the Get Involved newsletter.
  • You can manage RSVPs and track attendance for your events.
  • By tracking attendance you will receive attendee emails so you can contact them about upcoming organization events and opportunities and receive event feedback.
  • Based on recent surveys, most students are finding events on campus by looking in Get Involved!
Signature events

Signature events are prominent campus programs and traditions designed to attract a substantial student turnout. Events must be free, on campus and in a large event space. To ensure your event's success, we do not allow concurrent programming. To have your event considered for signature status, please email

View list of signature events

Event pass

The Campus Labs Event Check-in App makes attendance tracking easy. As soon as you enable mobile check in, users can access their Event Pass by logging into Get Involved or using the Corq app. The Event Check-in App allows you to check in atttendees and non-WSU guests (with external email) and check them out if you need accurate room counts.

Funding, finances and fundraising

Apply for event funding

Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) provides registered student organizations with event funding to host virtual and in-person activities. Student organizations have implemented a variety of programs and activities including hosting speakers, workshops, and cultural performances, as well as screening films or other networking or social events like dances and mixers. Funding is provided to cover the expenses of services that are provided by others, as well as to cover the cost of food, decorations, supplies, and advertising materials. Funding can only be requested for events that take place on-campus, and remain free and open to the public for their duration.

SAFB details

Banking information

Effective Dec. 21, 2018, the Dean of Students Office no longer services student organization agency accounts. Instead, student organizations are encouraged to establish business checking accounts with a banking institution.

Banking information

Fundraising options
  • Student organizations can register to hold a bake sale at approved campus locations including Student Center, General Lectures and Old Main. Reserve the space with EMS under “Reserve a Bake Sale location”.
  • Student organizations can request departmental help and fundraise through their budgets.
  • Apply to be a part of Wayne State's crowdfunding program called Warrior Funder through the project application.

Student organizations may receive donations from external organizations. These funds are placed in a special gifts account for the student organization's use. Accessing this money will require a Direct Payment Request Form (DPR) to be filled out and signed by Dr. Strauss. The DPR requires you to include original purchase receipts.

To request a DPR form, please email

Marketing, promotions and branded merchandise

Student Life Marketing and Graphics

Student Life Marketing and Graphics (Graphics) is a team of student graphic designers who design and print promotional materials for students, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and campus departments. By using Graphics, you're helping graphic design students at Wayne State University get real-world experience with clients, printers and vendors.

Graphics provides:

Get Involved newsletter

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and campus departments can promote events, opportunities, jobs and volunteer opportunities in the Get Involved newsletter. Volunteer opportunities are also listed on the Volunteer Hub. The newsletter goes out on Sundays and Wednesdays during the fall and winter semesters and on Sundays during the spring/summer semester. 

Requests must be submitted by noon the business day of the newsletter (noon on Friday for Sunday newsletters).

Get Involved newsletter promotion request Volunteer opportunity request

All registered student organizations may use the WSU logo. Organizations must follow the university branding guidelines. University logos can be found on the Marketing and Communications website.

Branded merchandise

Any merchandise that displays Wayne State’s name or logos (T-shirts, hats, giveaways, awards, etc.) must be purchased through a licensed vendor. Please see the list of licensed vendors on the Marketing and Communications website.